🥰 Satisfying & Creative Dough Pastry Recipes # 760🍞Bread Rolls, Bun Shapes, Pasta, 1ice Cake #shorts
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👉Satisfying & Creative Dough Pastry Recipes # 760🍞Bread Rolls, Bun Shapes, Pizza And Pasta, 1ice Cake
▽How to make beautiful buns or pies. Forms of buns or pastries may be different. This video shows how to form buns. Methods for shaping buns, & More like dough pastry recipes, creative cake ideas, decorating cake, how to make pizza dough, pasta recipes, bread rolls recipe, tricks for shaping pastries. dough forming methods. forming buns from yeast dough. Puff pastry methods. Baking tricks. Satisfying and creative. food hacks. tricks for shaping baked goods. There are also burger molds or original bun and pastry shaping. Ideas to surprise loved ones or guests. DIY homemade buns or pastries original. Chinese steamed mantou buns. These buns are steamed. The names of the recipes for such dishes are different in different countries, but the essence is the same.
We hope that you can find at least one option for yourself that you like and use it.
Here are shown ideas on how to do this, and how to do it is up to you.
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▽1ice Cake | Easy And Yummy Dough Pastry Recipes | Satisfying Cake Decoration | Food Ideas To Improve Your Cooking
#Satisfying #Cake #Decorating #SoTasty #CakeIdeas #PerfectCake #SoTastyCake #EasyCake #Yummy #SoYummy #YumupCake #Tasty #dough #Recipes #howto #BunShapes #buns #BreadRolls #Rolls #Bread #Baking #Cooking #DoughPastry #Puff #Pastry #Pasta #Pizza #Pie #CreamyPasta #Food #Creative #Cakeart #TastyCake #MoonCake #Homemade #1ice #1iceCake
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BAKE IT!!!!!!!
تهیه خمیرو اول بگین بعد اموزش شکل دادن
I want the recipe for the dough
keratin banget
wow very fine
Похож на моток ниток , супер ! 😊😊😊
Ellerine saglik
Это тесто на паровые булочки маньтоу.
يعطيك الصحة
Идете в магазин, покупаете бездрожжевое слоеное тесто и лепите что хотите. Очень хорошо с ним работать.
Не благодарите.
Всех с НГ и Рождеством! 🎄✨
يازين خلية النحل بس تكورينها ولذيذة وسهلة على النفس والبشرية😊
Can you give us the recipe of the dough?
Bello che cosa hai fatto
That is so cool!
That's awesome
Ah ce bon
Tuyệt vời ❤❤❤
Those which were pressed with a chopsticks and than opened up with two triangular ends are much prettier than those folded.
Linda tu mente tu paciencia y tu trabajo te admiro
Lo guardaría párese un madeja de estamvre
No me lo comería lo guardaría es bonito
Тесто какое? Не из каждого получится.
Покажите в готовом виде.
Тесто какое???
Попробова из теста для выпечки не получилось😢
Хрень непонятная. Не факт, что пропечется. И как будет выглядеть
У меня почему-то плохо пропекается
God bless the work of your hands. ❤❤❤
Parece um rolo de lá. Legal!
A przepis ???
Et la recette?