1800 Fricassee Of Chicken Recipe – Old Cookbook Show – Glen And Friends Cooking
Today we are cooking from one of our favourite old cookbooks, this is a significant historic recipe and part of a larger culinary history. This vintage fricassée de poulet recipe has morphed over time into what we now call smothered chicken recipe.

To Fricassee Chickens with a White Sauce
Take a pair of young chickens, and cut them down the back. Wash them clean and dry them with a cloth; halve them down the breast, and cut each chicken into eight equal parts. Flatten and rub them over with the yolk of an egg; season with white spices and salt: put a piece of sweet butter in a frying pan, and make it a fine light brown. Put in the chickens, and brown them lightly on both sides. Have ready a mutchkin (pint) of good veal gravy, thickened with a little butter and flour, and seasoned with white pepper and salt; stew the chickens in it for about a quarter of an hour, cast three eggs till they are smooth, and mix in half a gill of cream, the squeeze of a lemon, and about half a mutchkin (half a pint) of the boiling sauce; then mix the whole together, and give them a shake over the fire. Dish them up, and garnish with sliced lemon.

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