Banana Smoothies| Smoothies | smoothie recipes | #shortsfeed #shorts #trending

Youtube :@nasiyat_short recipes
Instagram :@hnasiyat

Recipe :-Ingredients

Banana 6 small
Badam Almonds 8-10
Cashewnuts 5-6
Instant coffee powder 1pinch
Vanila esence 2 drop
Milk 2 cups
Sugar 3-4 teaspoon
Cardamon powder 2-3
Coconut powder 1-2teaspoon
Ice cubes 3-4


Take bananas cut in small slices.
Take a mixer grinder add bananas,milk,sugar,essence,coffee powder and cut the cashewnuts and almonds finally add icecubes then add and grind it.
pour in a glass ,then add powdered cardamon and coconut powder stair it.then garnish with crushed almonds and cashenuts..Smoothie is Ready to serve
