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1 year ago I put this charcoal kamado style grill on my patio at home. I wasn’t expecting anything too special. I just wanted to test it out for you guys here on the Embers Channel. Little did I know that this grill would turn into one of my all time favorite. We look at it a year later and tell you why it became such an amazing grill.

First I’d like to start out with the cosmetic and how it held up outside for a whole year. As you can see visually the Red enamel has held up amazing! No chipping, no withering, it has held true to it’s heavy duty self. One thing that we were expecting to give out was the hinge system. Over time these things tent to loosen and or lose power. With the Kamado Joe’s one of a kind hinge system that is a worry of the past. This hinge system is just as good as the first day we received it! It has not lost any power what so ever. Now one thing that has faded with time is the gasket material. We see that it has compressed quite a bit. As a result it is a little harder to close, but that’s not an issue. One of the main things we would be keeping an eye out for is the loss of heat when the lid is closed and the gasket material is working it’s hardest. Fortunately We don’t need to worry about such a problem. The gasket material is still doing it’s job and not letting heat escape!

Now we take a look at some of the amazing functionality of the grill and some of its many amazing accessories. Like we said before this grill hold heat like a beast. But not only does it hold heat well, it gives us multiple tiers of cooking which is game changer. We can set up our Skillet accessory on the lowest level closest to the hot coals while we have one of our half moon grates on the highest level to keep things warm. This tier system is amazing for the versatile BBQ kings out there. Now this next figure is shocking! We can turn this BBQ into a straight up pizza oven! Now how do we do that?! Well it’s called innovation on Kamado Joe’s part. We have the DO JOE! This accessory is beautifully made. With one insert piece that transforms the whole grill into a fully functional pizza oven.

Now what don’t we like… Well to be honest one of the few things we don’t like is the lack of space that comes with the Classic III. How much of a problem is that though? Not a huge one because you can just buy the BIG Joe like we are! That is basically our only complain in regards to the Kamado Joe. This grill is versatile and is beautifully made for any level of Bbq Woman or Man.

We Hope you enjoyed this one year later review of the Kamado JOE! Thanks so much for watching!

Don’t forget if your in the Denver Colorado Area visit our showroom today.

Embers Living
7705 W 108th Ave
Westminster, CO 80021
