If you’re going to grill up some steaks, why not go big? It’s your Pit..! -BBQ Pit Boys
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Maybe a little horseradish
Bobby getting old, can only handle a small steak portion these days. 😜
Son of a biscuit!!!
The steak look good and you gotta wash it down with a beer.
2-64 oz small rib roasts is more like it. You want to call it a steak it's a steak then. Love your videos
To die for…
👌 beautiful 🥩. 🍻🍻🍻🍻🍻🍻
Call it what you want it's a roast
have mercy !
We all keep learning together.
freakin great steak
Are you guys referring to me GF Martha Stewart? lol
You guys ever try zip sauce?
Nice 😊
Does anyone have a link to that grill? I searched and can't find it but DAMN I gotta get one!
yeah iguana man channel is right sir
I think you accidentally cooked a Rib Roast instead of a rib steak … and I love it! 😂
I see a week's worth of leftovers in someone's future!
I love the cook and the steaks but that’s the least amount of seasoning that I’ve ever seen applied on a piece of meat that big
I dont see how those classify as 'Steaks' , they are more like a ribeye roast persay. Even a 2inch cut ill call a steak, but those are way thicker. I dunno… and i feel like you couodve used waaaay more seasoning given how thick they were.
Great Americans make a great barbecue. FJB, MAGA
My favorite type of barbecue. The type that you just don’t give a crap because you drink so much and you just cook it and it taste great. By the way 122 is not medium rare. . It’s extremely rare😊
Woo child!
That is all you need!
Looks well done! 😂😂😂😂
Not enough Smoke Ring no flavor penetration
Now that is steak !! Damn that looks so good.
that would be so much better if it was cooked more, just try cooking it sometime i'm right.
Good meat and a Yuengling, awesome
Love the channel, but thats not a rib steak, its a rib roast.
Those steaks are as big as my head
How do I get an invite? 😋