There isnt enough fat and marbling in that steak to not use oil/fat in the pan. Non stick has to go. Use a stainless steel skillet or cast iron. Fat will help with the maijard reaction and adds more flavor molecules when you add herbs and aromatics. Salt the steak a day ahead of time on a wire rack uncovered.
You should never be allowed near a steak again. Get a cast iron skillet and get it searing hot. Fresh ground salt and pepper each side. For an inch thick steak, four to four and a half minutes each side. I actually supplement with a torch around the edges, but not really necessary.
Add a half a cup of bacon grease and get the most badass crust known to man. Don't buy into the hype dry frying sucks and sucks big just look at the finished gray product looks like something from McDonalds.
Non stick for a steak? Are you mentally ill? Flipping it over and over is not optimal. You need super high heat that can only be utilized properly in cast iron or carbon steel imo. I mean look at the grey band…
Really not a fan of searing or other high-temp ops in PTFE. There just isn't enough margin of error.
Cast iron works fine and doesn't stick. Plus the heft of iron is actually a plus, as the thermal mass means the skillet stays hot after you add the steak.
What about Man Grates? No more dry meat!
Browning is flavor. Personally not something I see as a problem
Too much work. Put it in my oressire cooker and done in 10 minutes and burned in one side and still tender 😂
Grey band 😢
Too cold
That gray band isn’t good tho. Literally means the outside got over cooked before the inside cooked
Grey band!
But non stick skillets are made with PFAs and forever chemicals 🤔
There isnt enough fat and marbling in that steak to not use oil/fat in the pan. Non stick has to go. Use a stainless steel skillet or cast iron. Fat will help with the maijard reaction and adds more flavor molecules when you add herbs and aromatics. Salt the steak a day ahead of time on a wire rack uncovered.
You should never be allowed near a steak again. Get a cast iron skillet and get it searing hot. Fresh ground salt and pepper each side. For an inch thick steak, four to four and a half minutes each side. I actually supplement with a torch around the edges, but not really necessary.
That looks like literal sh*t
i’ve used this method and it works great.
Lol no these aren't eggs
Add a half a cup of bacon grease and get the most badass crust known to man. Don't buy into the hype dry frying sucks and sucks big just look at the finished gray product looks like something from McDonalds.
One hell of a gradiant
Non stick for a steak? Are you mentally ill? Flipping it over and over is not optimal. You need super high heat that can only be utilized properly in cast iron or carbon steel imo. I mean look at the grey band…
This only works on gas stoves. Try this on any other stove and the heat won’t rise fast enough
proof that you can find someone to tell you anything on the internet. This is not how to cook a steak.
ATK is getting shittier by the day. Their reviewers are absolute clowns. Especially that portly woman who's always out of breath and can't cook.
Neat idea, but there's a lot of grey there. Not a method I would use for that reason
Or you could just cook the steak on a good grill and skip the Kubuki dance!
Two different steaks. Bunch of lies
Really not a fan of searing or other high-temp ops in PTFE. There just isn't enough margin of error.
Cast iron works fine and doesn't stick. Plus the heft of iron is actually a plus, as the thermal mass means the skillet stays hot after you add the steak.
Or sous vide, or low and slow reverse sear.
That looks like a terrible result.
Yeah, no👎🏼
Uh, no. Use tallow. Then butter. In cast iron or black steel.
AWK! He DID have 2 cuts of meat!!!
Looks bad
Wait, wait, wait! What nonstick skillet are you using over high heat?!
This looks dry AF
No no no
Mm seasoned with polytetrafluoroethylene, delicious.