Beat the summer heat with our refreshing Pineapple Cucumber Cooler! 🍍🥒🍹 Made with a blend of pineapple, cucumber, lemon juice, and a sprinkle of black salt, this drink is the perfect way to stay cool and hydrated this season. Simply churn the ingredients together, add in some basil seeds, ice cubes, and a splash of soda or water, and voila! You have a delicious and revitalizing beverage ready to enjoy. 🌞🍹

Recipe –
– take 200 gm cucumber & 1 small pineapple cut into small pieces
– Now in a blender jar, take cucumber & pineapple
– Add 1/4 cup water
– Squeeze 1 fresh lemon 🍋
– And add 1/2 tsp Black Salt
– You may add mint leaves as well; as sic it’s optional
– Now churn and make smooth pulp
– Once done, if you want you may strain the pulp
– Now take serving glasses
– Take some soaked Basil Seeds (Sabja Seeds)
– Add few ice cubes
– Pour the pineapple cucumber pulp
– If you want sweetness, at this stage add some honey
– Finally top the glass with plain soda or sprite or chilled water
– Stir and enjoy this amazing cooler
Love M #ChefMeghna #SummerSips #RefreshingDrinks #beattheheat #CoolOff #ThirstQuencher #healthyhydration #PineappleCucumberCooler #stayhydrated #SummerFavorites #SipAndChill #DrinkUp #healthyliving #HydrationStation #SummerTreats #DrinkMoreWater #CoolAndTasty #SlurpItUp #Cheers #summervibes #ReelitFeelIt #ReelKaroFeelKaro #FeelitReelit #FeelKaroReelKaro #SummerCooler #summercoolers #SummerRecipes #easypeasy #easypeasyrecipe
