In this video we will see how to make smoothie recipe in tamil. We are going to make a cantaloupe smoothie (kirnipalam), banana smoothie and avocado smoothie. These are perfect healthy summer drinks and great for hot summer weather. Alandra also does a taste testing for these smoothies.
#smoothierecipes #summerrecipes #summerdrinks

Friends, please do try these summer smoothies recipes at home and share them with your friends and family. Also, please do share your feedback about the recipe in the comments below. All the best and happy cooking!

Ingredients for Musk Melon smoothie:
1/4 Musk Melon
4 tbsp Sarbath
1/2 Lemon
required Water
1 tbsp soaked Sabja seeds

For Banana Smothie:
2 Bananas
4 dates
2 tbsp Honey
1 cup Milk
1 tbsp soaked Sabja seeds

For Avocado smoothie:
1 Avocado
4 dates
4 Almonds
2 tbsp honey
1 Banana
1.5 cup Milk
