Strawberry Banana Smoothie | स्ट्रॉबेरी बनाना स्मूदी | Breakfast Smoothies | Healthy Smoothie Recipe
A delectable smoothie prepared with strawberries and banana that you can make for breakfast. Must try the recipe.
#Smoothie #StrawberryBananaSmoothie #HealthySmoothie #BreakfastSmoothie #SmoothieRecipes #SimplyDeliciousFoodByPooja
Serves : 1
Ingredients :
5 chopped strawberries (स्ट्रॉबेरी)
1 chopped banana (केला)
1/2 cup curd (दही)
1.5 tbsp honey (शहद)
5 chopped almonds (कटे हुए बादाम)
1/4 cup milk (दूध)
For garnish :
Chopped banana (कटा हुआ केला)
Chopped strawberry (कटी हुई स्ट्रॉबेरी)